I am curing myself of Hashimoto's thyroiditis

I am a professional journalist who suffers from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an auto-immune disorder in which the body's antibodies, attack the thyroid gland. I was prescribed Thryoxine and told to take it for life. I am now challenging this directive through a course of action which I am determined will reverse my disease and restore my thyroid function. I will write regularly about what I am doing to fight this disease. Perhaps together we can prove that Hashimoto’s can be reversed.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

April 13 2006: It’s a blip

Hashimoto say: Holy is he who falls into a barrel of tits and comes out sucking his thumb

Hello again readers

I want to emphasise today the danger of internet research. When I first started trying to find out more about Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis/hypothyroidism, on the internet I was perplexed by the amount of contradictory information in cyberspace.

Some said iodine was good, others said it was bad, some said soya was good, others said soya was bad. If you must do research on the internet I advise you to only visit reputable medical sources of information. You can find gold nuggets elsewhere but you need to exercise discretion otherwise you can suffer from information overload. When it’s the wrong information that can be detrimental to how you handle this disease.

Blogs such as mine and other personal case studies are also useful because you can learn what works for others who have the same disease as you. Then it is up to you whether you think it is applicable to you.

I mentioned in earlier posts that appropriate exercise is part of my wellness regime. I went for a jog this morning for about a mile. It involved uphill, downhill and the flat. I was a bit perturbed when I got back home because my calves were killing me and I felt ready to drop.

It got me wondering whether the reduction of my thryoxine by one table a week had already started to affect me badly. But on rationalising it I realised it was far too soon. My consultant told me it takes 90 days for the blood to fully replenish itself.

It might just be that I’m naturally knackered, nothing to do with my thyroid. It happens sometimes. I so want to be positive about what I am doing, my quest to cure myself of hypothyroidism. The last couple of days, I’ve been feeling a bit low but it will just be temporary.

My wife took my eldest to the doctor today because her skin sometimes goes yellow and she’s had a bit of twitching in an eyelid. Alarm bells starting ringing. These are possible early symptoms of a dodgy thyroid. Mind you they can also be symptoms of a 101 other things. The GP’s ordered a thyroid function test for her and liver function test so we’ll find out soon enough.

It would be bizarre if she also had Hashimoto’s. She’s not my genetic daughter so it would be even more strange. I would also start seriously worrying if there was something to do with the environment where we live that’s caused this. My neighbour is also on thyroxine. I’d be interested to know if clusters of hypothyroidism exist. If any medical people are reading this and you know of any research about clusters or have any views on this, please leave a comment. I’ll keep you all posted if anything else comes of this.

Well, that’s it for today folks. I’m not sure if I’m going to write an entry on Good Friday. Check in just in case, if you want but I’m more likely to continue with this on Tuesday.

I’ve decided not to reprint the details of my self-cure regime on each post. Regular readers will get bored so new reader should revert back to my first two posts for the details.

Incidentally, I’d be grateful for comments from readers about whether a news service would interest you. I thought I could perhaps include daily thyroid news posts in this blog but only if there’s a demand for it.

What do you think?

Lots of love to you all
Speak soon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd be really interested in a news service and taking part in research.

I think this is a really good blog offering hope without being unrealistic. I think all readers will be keeping their fingers crossed that you are successful in your quest to cure yourself.

I hope there are some medical people following this. The sooner they treat us as individuals rather than as a mass thyroid with a one-size-fits-all approach, the better.

12:46 pm  

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