I am curing myself of Hashimoto's thyroiditis

I am a professional journalist who suffers from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an auto-immune disorder in which the body's antibodies, attack the thyroid gland. I was prescribed Thryoxine and told to take it for life. I am now challenging this directive through a course of action which I am determined will reverse my disease and restore my thyroid function. I will write regularly about what I am doing to fight this disease. Perhaps together we can prove that Hashimoto’s can be reversed.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April 18 2006: Is it my thyroid or isn’t it?

Hashimoto say: Call a brick a brick and you can be sure it will be a brick.

It’s dead easy to talk yourself into saying symptoms you’ve got are from your dodgy thyroid.

That’s the problem I’ve got at the moment.

I felt terrible yesterday. My muscles were killing me, I was tired – all symptoms of hypothyroidism, I told myself.

I spoke to my spiritual healer who bolstered me a bit and today I went to my acupuncturist who, after taking my pulse, said the symptoms I’d been having the last couple of days are nothing to do with my Thyroxine reduction programme but that I’ve got a virus in my system or I’ve reacted to something I’ve eaten.

I choose to believe him.

If I’m going to walk into my GP’s surgery, look him in the eye and say, look you bastard, I told you I wouldn’t be on Thyroxine for the rest of my life, I’ve got to be completely positive and let no doubt in.

If you call a brick a brick, then it’s a brick even if it could have been a tile. Same thing applies to my thyroid. I can talk myself into failing at my Thyroxine reduction programme. I must not let that happen.


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